Friday, 12 March 2010


Dawn Chorus.
Pink sunrise with argumentative children,
Whom i have to wake and dress,
Opening shutters to let in the morn
And jangling the keys down corridors
Clatter and chatter
Occasionally pierced with a full throated
'Fuck you, you fucking knob jockey'
As doors slam and showers rush.

Breathless trips traipsed up and downstairs,
God these smokers lungs are tight.
No fag till morning work is done,
And with five kick off's and a hair pull before toast
Amongst the china and voices
'Tis gonna be a long ol' day!'

Passed from care to education,
responsibility finished,
Its time for cigarette,
At back of the woodshed,
Ripe with the musk of damp earth
And Virginia green foliage

Contemplative inhaling
Eyes and thoughts
see round corners
Espy the carcass of discarded furniture
And visions flood
dusted down and made anew
Of flowers upon and books within

A zealous headteacher is all
'out with the old and in with the new',
So skip is full of antiques,
i can't say no to old furniture,
Destined for the bonfire.
And its heave - ho of cabinet,
Into car, woody arse out of the boot,
like hitchers thumb.
Precarious drive through
murky malevolent pines
till the wrestle with wood begins again

Sweated hefting, sledge hammer bashing
Of the old sofa which has to move over to make room
-breaking its spine
Whilst my ex-lover
the day's muscle for hire
looks on in jest
Its out with the old and in with the new for me too

This sofa where we first fucked-
I take to pieces in minutes
Each blow of hammer a release on this hot terse day
We struggle upstairs with walnut weightiness
And breathless with exertion
When all is in place
Sit back to smoke and contemplate
Our labours

Cryptic conversations in the garden,
A bugbear of attraction playing on my lips,
But a summer shower cools this lust
And its to work i must return.
I watch you leave,
And drive across the chase
my mind recalling
the taut line of leg
as it once moved
across crumpled bedsheets

Cornering too fast on slick tarmac,
This rusted car fails yet again
As lorry dominates the road
And i sit and wait for impact
Time seems illusory
and the world beautific.

Shards of glass momentarily catch the afternoon sun
obliteration is a million little reflections
beautiful and golden in this millisecond!
So quickly things can be destroyed
yet are slow and cumbersome to replace.

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